Saturday, 6 February 2016

ARTICLE (Amazing facts about the European Parliament!)


-Do you know from where its name comes from?

The European Parliament hides a lot of work behind its name. It has been the result of a lot of work since 1952, which was the first year in which the member states held a meeting similar to a session of a parliament. At that time no name for a European Parliament had been decided, however work was in progress to create it.
In 1986, finally there was an official name for the European Parliament which was adjudicated by the member states.

-What are its roles?

The principal three tasks of the European Parliament are the following, first of all to check and select European legislation, secondly to accept the budget of the E.U and finally, to have democratic control over the rest of the institutions, especially the Commission.
On the other hand the Parliament has to give its blessing to important international agreements, such as new commerce links between countries or the entrance of a new member state.

-Where is it found?

The European Parliament's activity is divided in three locations. Strasbourg is the seat for the European Parliament, its General Secretariat is based in Luxembourg, and most of the Parliamentary Committee movement and activity takes place in Brussels.

-By whom is it formed?

The European Parliament is formed by 750 members and their president. The members are chosen by the member states who form the E.U .

In my opinion when we talk about the European Union, the Parliament and politics in general, it seems to us teenagers like something which is not related to us, but actually it is much closer than we think.

Nowadays some organizations and politicians are working hard to make us, teens, interact and get in touch with big institutions, such as the Parliament.

The European Youth Parliament is one of them. It is a non-governmental organization which gives the opportunity to teenagers to participate in debates and sessions about politics all over Europe.

Another one is Euroscola, which is a competition in which students create a blog and write about things which have to do with the European Union and its measures. The winners of this competition get to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

That’s all for this post! Hope you like it! Remember, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be really pleased.

Main sources:

By: Soumiya.

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