Tuesday, 2 February 2016

PROJECT: Regional European Development Fund.

One of the best ideas of the EU are the European Funds. They help the European citizens to have a help in their local, autonomic, national and personal projects. One of the most important ones is the REDF. The Regional European Development Fund is the one that tries to equate all the regions of the EU. In my opinion it is a very good idea because we should try to have a more equal and welfare. Here in Spain it has had a significance in the living conditions of the citizens, especially in zones like Castille and Leon and Soria. Soria was a rural-based area, but after de incorporation of Spain in the EU we had to modernise our sectors.The REDF has helped a lot to reach this objective. We have built new infrastructures, new businesses, new ecological policies… Now Castille and Leon is in the top of Spain in areas of development, and it has been put on the same level with all Europe. However, there are new challenges to face. Firstly, the Southern part of Spain stills being bellow the European average of development. Thanks to projects like the REDF we can try to promote initiatives in order to get beyond the actual levels of progress in these regions. Secondly, the depopulation in Soria or other small provinces is a problem that we can solve it by promoting policies financed jointly the Spanish, Autonomous and European government. If we really want to resolve this challenges of the future we can take part in the REDF and in all the other European Funds. There is one way of making Europe. This is the way of the cooperation, of the development and of living together. Little initiatives like these one can make something grate, and in some cases, can change the world.

Main source: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/home/html/index.en.html

Stay tuned! Hope you like it!
By: Guillermo.

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