Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Hello everybody! We are Eunited Team and today we are going to talk about Erasmus.
Maybe you haven’t Heard about it before, so we will explain what it is.
“Erasmus is the short name of “European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.” It’s a educational programme that helps student’s academic mobility inside the European Union.
It was created in 1987 by a student’s asociation called AEGEE Europe, founded by Franck Biancheri. The programme was finally integrated in 1995. It’s directed to higher education, and it’s objective is to improvethe quality of it’s students and also fortify the coperation between universities of Europe. The acronym was created base don the latin name of the phylosopher Erasmo of Róterdam. (1465-1536)
This programme has three components:
All the Erasmus students used to receive from the European Union a bursary of 110 euros per month, ore ven 185 euros, depending on the economic situation of the student (at national level.) This changed in October 2013, and now you only receive this money if you were beneficiary of a grant from the Ministry in the previous year. Because of that, a lot os students had to return to Spain because the were unable top ay for their studies.
Finally, some autonomous comunities grant aids depending of the región. All in all, an Erasmus student can collect between 200 and 800 euros per month, depending on their situation.
This program helps not only the learning and understanding of the culture of the other country, but also the sense of community of the student. This great experience is considered as a time of learning and promotes social skills. It helps increase the awareness of the European Union among Young people. 

Min source: http://www.oapee.es/oapee/inicio/pap/erasmus.html

Stay tuned! 
By: Silvia Martínez. 

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