Monday, 18 January 2016

ARTICLE (30 years of Spain in the EU)

30 years ago, in one month like in the one we are now, we entered in the European Union. On the 1st January of 1986 we were officially in the European Union; in that time, the European Economic Community, but, what was the process of our entrance?

The first time in history they asked for the entry of Spain, was in the dictatorship of Franco in 1962. The entry was asked by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernando Maria Castilla to the president of the European Council Maurice Couve de Murville. However, two years later, the European Parliament answered to this question saying: “States whose governments lack democratic legitimacy and whose people do not participate in the decisions of the Government - either directly or through representatives freely chosen – cannot enter in the community”.

During the political transition, in 1977 the negotiations were retaken with Adolfo Suarez. Spain had to have some common requirements asked to every European country, such as the respect for the dignity of the person if it wanted to get in. Finally, they got all of them in 1980.

The negotiations continued until 1985. Spain, during this period of discussions, changed two times of president. In that year, Felipe Gonzalez was governing and with him, this long process finished.  The 12th of June of the same year, Spanish president and the European president of the Council signed finally the document in which said Spain was part of the European Economic Community. This important event occurred in Madrid, in the Real Palace. Therefore, it occurred the same in Lisbon, because they entered at the same time that its neighbour.

Anyway, although they signed their entry in 1985, they were not into the EEC. They had to wait until the 1st of January of the next year to be officially in. That is the reason of why in this month, we celebrate the 30th anniversary and not before.

Hope you enjoy it, and remember: stay tuned!

Main source:

By: Juan Manuel.

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