Tuesday 29 March 2016


Yesterday we did another interview. It was very interesting because we focused a lot on the differences between Spain nowadays, when it belongs to the EU, and 30 years ago, when it didn't.
Soraya told us about her favourite musical groups when she was sixteen, or another fact such as studying only in girls schools. If you want to find more about it, check down below the link! We hope you enjoy it, and stay tuned! 

Sunday 27 March 2016


We have an Instagram ACTIVE account: https://www.instagram.com/eunitedsociety/
We have a Facebook ACTIVE account: https://www.facebook.com/eunitedsociety
We have a Twitter ACTIVE account: https://twitter.com/eunited_society

Remember 30 years of Spain in the European Union! Check our social profiles!


We did a small survey in our highschool some days ago, if you want to see what our schoolmates answered check the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59NYbnQIgx0

Saturday 26 March 2016


The EU affect us daily. In this video we wanted to discover and analyse how does the EU affects us in our day to day. We asked some members of of our group and this was the result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bv6L1y_UVs


We did an interview to the Mayor of Soria, Carlos Martínez. He was very kind and it was a honour to talk and interview him. If you want to check it  out, here it is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwFMQheJSxg .We really hope you enjoy it! Stay tuned! Remember 30 years of Spain in the E.U! 

Tuesday 22 March 2016


We keep promoting our blog, Juan, one of our group members proposed the idea of doing a banner to promote our blog. So we did it, and he took it with him when we went skiing. Stay tuned dear readers! Remember 30 years of Spain in the European Union! Check out our social media profiles!


This morning we did our 'original version of: You know, you don't know.' We spent the whole morning asking people to collaborate with us, however it was quite difficult because people didn't want to be recorded...We would have liked that our video lasted longer...Anyway we enjoyed a lot this activity and we had a lot of fun! If you want to know more, check out this link: https://youtu.be/xDq_2aPFtVU 

Sunday 20 March 2016


We have just uploaded a new interview to our Youtube channel! In this interview we interviewed the Commercial Director of 'EL HERALDO DE SORIA', a newspaper of our city. We talked about the current situation of Europe, about what he was studying in 1986, year in which Spain entered the European Union, about international education, and some more subjects...If you want to know more, check it out! 

Friday 18 March 2016


We spent the whole afternoon working in our song and our new idea. The idea will be explained the following days. The song it is already composed, however now we need to add lyrics, that is the most difficult part to carry on as a group because our voices aren´t that good....hahahaha
Anyway we are working on this project with a lot of enthusiasm. 
We leave some photos over here, and check them out! Follow us in our social media!

Wednesday 16 March 2016


We have uploaded a small videoclip of yesterday's Europe Festival. It was great, you can check the video in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrNhxYu115A


After painting their faces, and drawing different flags of the member states of the European Union, we gave them some cup cakes and fizzy drinks.

Finally we took a photo with our English teacher, Candy, she wanted us to draw a flag in her cheek as well! 


       Flag of Germany!

Flag of Italy!

         Flag of France!

Flag of England!

Here Juan and Silvy, drawing flags of Germany and England respectively.

Soumiya had to draw France's flag!


We start with the photos!

 Brezo and Silvy, preparing the flags, we used for the cupcakes!

 Soumiya, here she is in motion. She talked about France.
The first thing we did was giving the speech and showing the Power Point!

Stephen, our English assistant, from Philipinnes also enjoyed our presentation!


Yesterday we did a fun activity in our highschool for the children of 1st E.S.O . We organised an interactive power point, some colours to paint their faces, and lastly we gave some snacks and drinks. We did homemade cup cakes, and they loved them, and us as well. We enjoyed the activity, and they seemed very interested and involved. They told us that they loved the idea of learning by having fun. They already knew a lot about the European Union, and that made us feel very proud.


Our blog has been published on the main Soria's newspaper: "Heraldo de Soria". We talk about Euroscola and also about our blog. Now, everyone in Soria will enjoy even more our blog!

Stay tuned!

Sunday 13 March 2016


https://youtu.be/7lzhoKgvaxQ Did you see our outtakes? The original video will be released soon! Follow our social media and stay tuned!


Yes, it is! As you can see, we are composing our own song! It is written by Juan, which is a musician. We are giving to it the last points, but we are going to finish it for this week. Therefore, we are using some European languages, so a lot of people can understand it. Hope you enjoy it and remember, stay tuned!

Saturday 12 March 2016


YES! The work has been incredible, and the results much more! Here we launch our second interview, which was made by John. He asked the Secretary and the Director of the Offical School of Languages of Soria. They were very kind, and we enjoyed it a lot! Stay tuned! The link to the video:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yj8z-V1TDI


Last but not least the link to our Instagram! The link to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eunitedsociety/ Check all our profiles!


Screenshots of our twitter! The link to our Twitter: https://twitter.com/eunited_society?lang=es


We leave some screenshots of our Facebook,check it out!

Friday 11 March 2016


We did it! We have emailed Europe Direct in Burgos and Segovia, because in Soria we don't have any office, anyway we told them about the activities we are planning to do.
We are thinking in doing some fun activities in our highschool, we are filming and recording people of different ages and we are enjoying it. We are preparing some interviews, and they will be uploaded soon to our Youtube Channel.
Stay tuned dear readers! We really hope you are having fun and learning.


Wednesday 9 March 2016

DIGITAL NEWSPAPER (Desde Soria article)

http://www.desdesoria.es/?p=180625 Este es el enlace a nuestro artículo publicado por Soria Desde esta tarde. Estamos muy agradecidos y nos gustaría que lo visita. ¡Tenga un buen día!

Sunday 6 March 2016


International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world. A day in which women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.

We come from a country in which culture has a big role, and sadly women and men don’t have the same rights. Thanks to the European Union in Spain this situation has changed over the thirty years we have been part of it.

Changes between equality of women and men in the European Union started in 1957, when the principle of ``equal work, equal salary´´ was applied in the Treaty of Rome .
There have been big changes since Spain didn’t belong to the European Union. Before women didn’t have the right to practice several jobs, but with the big step we took when we entered to the European Union we solved part of a big problem which is and was equality between genders.

We have to start changing the situation and changes have to be made from when we are children. That’s why I propose that Member States should start to address social issues such as discrimination between men and women or gender stereotypes in primary schools. A good way should be doing fun games, because children love playing. It would be great to carry out gymkhanas in their schools, in their second homes, in which they would be taught principally gender equality.

Switching to the companies and marketing, there should be an improvement in pay and work equality conditions. The principle of the Treaty of Rome , should be totally applied. It is proved that men and women don’t have the same wages for the same amount of work.

It is all question of time and patience, the European Union has some plans and it is predicted that for 2020 inequality between genders will disappear.  
All in all, we should start working on it. We should start changing stereotypes!

Stay tuned! Check all our posts! Check out our social porfiles! Leave your comments down below!

This is us! From left to right, Silvy, Soumiya and Brezo.

Friday 4 March 2016


The theme of today it is not an easy theme although it is very important. I am going to talk about the refugees.

The boats will continue arriving from the Mediterranean Sea, refugees will continue knocking on the doors of Europe and the EU institutions will continue looking for solutions to a migration crisis and meanwhile many people die trying to get their dreams, getting into Europe, running away from misery and war for trying to save their lives, in this attempt to reach Europe and a better life many people died.

The boats full of people sink into the sea, this is why the population is tired of seeing in the news so much tragedy and we believe that EU policy should find a quick solution to this serious problem in Europe.

Hopefully we never have to see such a cruel and horrible images as the body of Aylan Kurdi, a refugee Syrian child of three years, which was found dead in the beach. He drowned because the boat in which he was it sank, together with him also died his brother of 5 years old and his mother. All the familly was scaping from Syria, one country decomposed because of the war.

Europe is suffering one of the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. Children are suffering the most these terrible consequences, Europol denunciated more than 10,000 causes of disappearance of refugee children. We need a solution now. The photo of the body of Aylan has shocked the world, how many pictures like this we need to solve this serious problem. How many children have to swallow the sea, how many children have to be abducted by mafias. For Aylan we cannot do anything, but yes for the other refugees, I hope this will never happen again to another child.

Please stay tuned! Check our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Leave your comments down below!

Main source: syrianrefugees.eu/

BY: Rubén.